NIDS (The National Institute for Discovery Science) keeps track of sightings of triangle-shaped UFOs and has determined that these sightings occur mostly near military bases; therefore, they may be secret military aircraft. However, it can’t be as simple as that, since these craft have been sighted since the 1970s. Now NIDS has a report about a triangle-shaped craft that nearly collided with a commercial jet. It came from the direction of the Moffet Air Force Base in California.
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It’s become clear that we’re spread too thin in Afghanistan and Iraq because we don’t have enough soldiers. Should we re-institute the draft? Be sure to vote on this volatile issue! Last time we asked you if you thought sudden climate change would come soon. Keep reading for the results of that poll.

Almost 40% of you think that sudden climate change is definitely on its way in the next few years. 34% think it may possibly happen. 24% think it’s not likely, but only 2% think it will never happen.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Scott Corrales reports that on Tuesday, Mexican military authorities released a video taken on March 5th that shows 11 UFOs being chased by Air Force jets. It was taken by pilots using an infrared camera. Some of the UFOs look like tiny points of light, while others look like large headlights. All of them are moving rapidly.

A plane belonging to the Mexican Air Force was on a routine drug patrol when it suddenly detected the presence on its radar of an object following it and began to pursue the object, which in the video can be seen disappearing into the clouds. Minutes later, 10 more UFOs were detected. They followed the jet and surrounded it. Only 3 of the UFOs showed up on radar. The pilots who were interviewed say they were not ordinary aircraft.
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It may be a relief for some of us to know that beauty is not judged by physical attributes alone. Researchers have discovered that when someone knows you, they may consider you beautiful even if, by objective standards, you’re not. And women choose husbands who look like their dads, especially if he was a nice guy. Shaoni Bhattacharya writes in New Scientist that women are “imprinted” by their fathers. Imprinting is a fast form of learning. Some animals, like ducklings, bond with the first object they see and will follow another type of animal around, thinking it’s “Mom.” An “unexpected” finding, says researcher Glenn Weisfeld, is that women who say their fathers are emotionally warm are much more likely to have a husband who looks like Dad.
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