It has been reported that more Gulf War Vets got Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), which gradually leads to complete paralysis, than the general public. Those soldiers blamed it on bioterrorism from Saddam, while current soldiers in Iraq fear they may get it from the vaccinations they’re forced to take, which are often not yet approved for the general public. Now it’s been discovered that not just Gulf War Vets, but ALL Vets are more likely to get the disease.
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Donna writes in our series of new Communion Letters: “This is not a tale of missing time, but of gained time, courtesy of the aliens.” She also had a near death experience BEFORE an operation where she almost died.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

NASA scientists say that cirrus clouds formed by contrails increased surface temperatures enough to account for all the warming that took place in the United States between 1975 and 1994. This totally ignores major global warming causes like changes in ocean currents, which have been observed by NASA’s own satellites. This statement may be a result of government pressure on NASA to discredit the upcoming film The Day After Tomorrow.
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If we can speed up time, we may be able to travel in time. Now scientists say they’re learning how to do it. If you find this confusing, you’re not alone: physicist Carlos Dolz says, ”A big problem for science is common sense. It works for most everything in people’s lives, but not in physics.”
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