The BBC says “dozens” of UFOs have been seen in Iran in the past few days. Sadollah Nasiri-Qeydari, of Iran’s Astronomical Society, says people are seeing the planet Venus. The Washington Times says the UFO was only seen twice and flashed different colored lights each time. Now a film of one of the UFOs has been shown on Iranian TV.

The reporter who filmed the UFO is from the Irna state news agency, and he watched the mysterious light for 90 minutes. He describes it as a white disc with two “arms.” The BBC says, “Other UFOs have been spotted in several northern and north-western cities moving quickly through the atmosphere emitting brightly colored rays. Scientists say the sightings are a result of natural phenomena, but many people say they are spy planes.”
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Russia reports that the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command has signed an agreement with EKIP Aviation in Russia to co-produce a flying saucer-shaped aircraft that was developed in 1992. They say the new planes will be ready in a few years, but from recent Middle Eastern UFO sightings, we suspect the unmanned version is already being used as a spy plane.

Why a saucer-shaped plane? It doesn’t require a long runway and can land almost anywhere. The shape gets rid of vibration, which is a big problem with conventional aircraft design.
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Half of the 114 species that have become extinct, despite the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, once lived in Hawaii. The Center for Biological Diversity says the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service knowingly delays putting species on the endangered list “to avoid political controversy even when it knew the likely result would be the extinction of the species.” Extinction could happen to us too?unless we learn how to lengthen our telomeres.
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If this is the case, would alternate fuels such as wind and hydrogen, which are available everywhere, mean an end to war? If we change to nuclear power when oil runs low, will wars break out in countries with large uranium deposits?

Paul Reynolds writes in that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was partly caused by a U.S. decision in 1941 to limit oil exports to Japan, in response to the Japanese invasion of China. Japan was almost totally reliant on imported oil from the U.S. Japan still relies on imported oil but now it comes from the Middle East, like ours does.
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