“Sarah” writes: “The Phoenix Lights are back! A lady I work with came into work today and told us her story?she was ‘going crazy’ because of what she saw. She and her kids saw it through binoculars and also filmed it on camera. She said it kind of looked like a glowing mushroom top (no stem) and like it was on fire, and it was moving back and forth for half an hour, then it disappeared. (This was at 10 pm at night). Also at one point it was moving toward her. She’s bringing in the tape for us to watch tomorrow at work.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Diets and diet pills affect our bodies, when the problem is really in our brains. But now, for everyone who has despaired of ever losing weight, scientists have discovered two “magic bullets” that work on our brain circuits. One helps you stop smoking and cuts your bad cholesterol too (the perfect drug!), while the other one works by using a hormone inside your own fat to rewire your brain so you’re not hungry.
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65 million years ago, dinosaurs experienced bad weather and an asteroid impact, but scientists say their real problem was too many males for the number of females. They think that the sex of dinosaurs, like crocodiles today, depended on the temperature the day they were born. Debris from the asteroid impact blocked the sun and cooled down the climate, leading to the birth of too many males.
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Global warming brings flooding?and droughts. It all depends on where you live. The Western U.S. and the West Coast will continue to have droughts, due to lack of snow melt and a drop in rainfall. Meanwhile, massive flooding is predicted for the U.K. And now we know that the ocean rises higher on the coasts than it does in the “middle,” making things even worse.
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