In our current poll, we’re asking you your religion. Remember, all answers are anonymous, so you can be honest. Last time, we asked for your opinion on Whitley’s Easter journal entry on faith. Now Whitley has a new meditation for subscribers that is designed to enable communication with other levels of reality. This unusual and powerful meditation is the first of a series that will provide communications tools that have worked for Whitley over the eighteen years of his close encounter and contact experience.
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We recently wrote about new evidence, based on a seam in the cloth, showing that the Shroud of Turin may be real. Now it’s been discovered that the back side of the cloth, which has been covered up for hundreds of years, shows a ghostly image of the face as well. However, the image could not have “bled through” from the other side, since it’s only on the surface on both sides of the cloth, with a layer of bare fabric in between.

Rossella Lorenzi writes in Discovery News that the back side of the shroud has remained hidden since it was covered by another layer of fabric in 1534, after the shroud was blackened in a fire. Swiss textile expert Mechtild Flury-Lemberg has dated the shroud to the first century AD by the sewing style used to attach the backing.
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An upcoming TV miniseries about a huge earthquake on the West Coast, which will air on NBC May 2 and 3, will scare people who live there, despite the fact that it has no basis in science, unlike The Day After Tomorrow, which will arrive in movie theaters on May 28 and is based on the science explained in The Coming Global Superstorm by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber.

In NBC’s disaster drama “10.5,” massive quakes topple the Golden Gate Bridge and tsunamis from the Pacific drown Los Angeles. Scientists attempt to interrupt the quakes by fusing the San Andreas Fault closed with atomic explosions.
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When Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated, no one realized that World War I was inevitable. World War II can be seen as a war against the ideology of Adolf Hitler. Now Prince Hassan of Jordan warns that World War III may be a religious war pitting Christianity and Judaism against Islam, and that this war may have already started. Hassan says, “?I’m afraid the makings of a third world war are actually taking place in front of our very eyes.”
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