In 1954, President Eisenhower described what he called the “domino theory” with regard to Vietnam, saying that if we didn’t defeat Communism there, one country after another would fall. Now “Der Spiegel” in Germany reveals that al-Qaeda has a “domino theory” of its own, starting with Spain.

Tom Williams has translated an article by Yassin Musharbash that says that in December, 2003, in an Arabic language handbook, al-Qaeda called for attacks against Spain in order to force Spanish troops to withdraw from Iraq. On page 33, the handbook says, “We believe that the Spanish government cannot take more than two, at the most three blows before it pulls troops out of Iraq due to the great pressure from the population.”
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Despite new concern about the dangers of global warming, carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, has reached record high levels in the atmosphere. Climatologist Ralph Keeling says, “We are moving into a warmer world.” Why is this happening now, despite new awareness of the problem?

Charles J. Hanley quotes NOAA’s Pieter Tans as saying, “China is taking off economically and burning a lot of fuel. India, too.”

If global warming is inevitable, we need to start preparing for a very different future. Alex Kirby writes in that the U.K., at least, is beginning to take action.
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In our new Communion Letters series, we present the experiences of Dave, who writes: “Before I relate my experience, I would like to preface it by saying at that time it occurred (in 1974) there was NO information or talk of abductions (other then the general awareness of the Betty and Barney Hill case) and there was no information anywhere in UFO literature about people being taken from their beds and through walls/ceilings and into a waiting flying saucer. I know because at the time I was continually monitoring all the book stores for any and all information about UFOs?I was completely helpless, and could only watch.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

The mystery of why hundreds of elk in Wyoming were suddenly falling to the ground dead has been solved. At least 289 elk have died in south-central Wyoming since early February. They slump to the ground and are unable get up again, so that many of them eventually die of thirst. Unlike recent deaths of wild game in other areas, these elk are not dying from a version of Mad Cow Disease.

Mead Gruver writes that elk eat different foods than antelope and deer, so scientists thought there might be some toxins in their food. State wildlife biologist Greg Hiatt says, “The thing that really makes this unusual is we have about 50 elk that are about 10 miles north of this herd?and they’re fine.”
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