First we reported about the mysterious spontaneous fires that were taking place in Italy. Now we’ve learned this is happening in India as well.

Rohit Ghosh reports that people in the Madhya Pradesh area of the country have been rushing to put out mysterious fires that seem to spring up on their own. One villager says, “Our wells have started drying up fighting the fires.”
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Scientists have recently re-created what sounds like the UFO metal found at the crash site in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Whether or not they were inspired by descriptions of this mysterious metal is unknown. One phenomenon that almost all abductees describe is the way extraterrestrials “talk inside their heads.” Now scientists may have discovered how this works too.

Maggie McKee writes in New Scientist that NASA has developed a computer program that can read the words in our heads before we actually speak them by analyzing the nerve signals in our mouths and throats with button-sized sensors attached to the chin and Adam’s apple. In the future, they may learn how to do this without the outer apparatus.
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In Anne Strieber’s new Diary, she writes: “Like most of us, I equivocate about our invasion of the Middle East. Some weeks I’m for it, some weeks I’m against it?depending on what I read in the news?but most of the time, I’m just not sure if we should try to impose American-style democracy on Muslim countryies. But this week I’m definitely for securing a democratic stronghold in the Middle East, because I read ‘Daughters of France, Daughters of Allah’ by Marie Brenner in April’s ‘Vanity Fair.’ It made me realize that one of things we’re fighting for is no less than the future of women on this planet.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

We recently reported that the University of Uppsala in Sweden warns that in ten years, oil supplies will drop to disastrously low levels. Now The Financial Times reports that Royal Dutch Shell says it has much lower reserves that it previously stated. On analyst calls this cut “staggering.”
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