There have been five mass extinctions on the Earth in the past four billion years, and the last one 65 million years ago wiped out the dinosaurs. Biologists have long speculated that if humans become extinct, insects will become the next dominant species. Now they say we’re about to have a sixth extinction, but it won’t be the end of us?not yet, anyway. Instead, we’re about to lose many of our butterflies, birds and plants. But just as human beings evolved by learning how to survive the ice age, some insects show evidence that they can grow bigger brains when they need to.
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Scientists have an image of the Beagle 2 Mars lander, taken moments after it left its mother ship, that also shows a UFO. In the photo, the Beagle is in the upper left hand corner, and the UFO is in the lower right. Could an unknown object be the reason the Beagle 2 failed to contact Earth?

The Beagle 2 Mars lander, which would have enabled the European Union to beat the U.S. to Mars, has been silent ever since it landed on the planet on Christmas day. Some scientists say the Beagle may have crash landed because the Mars atmosphere wasn’t as dense as expected, but others are studying the photograph for evidence of interference. A report on the most probable reason for the failure is expected soon.
read more is proud to present “Mysterious Powers,” Anne Strieber’s new show, which will appear every two weeks. Anne became interested in “how to” books?but not the ordinary, boring kind. Anne wants to know the big stuff, like how to be lucky, how to read auras, how to see the Virgin Mary. Some people have Mysterious Powers and Anne wants to find out how and why. For her first show, she interviews Dr. Richard Wiseman, a psychologist and ex-magician who has studied the scientific reasons behind why some people are lucky?and some people aren’t. To listen, click “Mysterious Powers” on our masthead.

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We recently wrote about a car rebellion in a town near Area 51 in Nevada, where one day almost all their automatic doors refused to unlock. Now cars are fighting back in a shopping mall parking lot in the U.K., as dozens of cars refused to unlock, setting off all their alarms at the same time.

The Derbyshire (U.K.) Evening Telegraph reports that some people think this might have been caused by signals from cell phone antennas, while others blamed radio waves or planes flying overhead. In Nevada, the rebellion was blamed on the same radio bands that are used to unlock cars being used at the nearby military base.
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