In our latest Insight, Whitley writes: “This is not a political website, but this is a political year and, inevitably, you will see some stories here that relate to political issues?Conservatives want to control our moral life. Liberals want to control our economic life. I don’t want to be controlled at all?The Master of the Key taught a very, very simple but extremely powerful lesson when he said that sin is ‘denial of the right to thrive.’ Liberals do this when they stifle economic activity with excessive planning and confiscatory taxation; conservatives do it when they impose repressive moral codes as law.” Don’t miss this exciting Insight!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Researchers are studying gay sheep to try to figure out if homosexuality has a biological origin. They’ve discovered that certain groups of cells are different in a part of the sheep’s brain that controls sexual behavior. Charles E. Roselli says, “This particular study, along with others, strongly suggests that sexual preference is biologically determined in animals, and possibly in humans.

“The hope is that the study of these brain differences will provide clues to the processes involved in the development and regulation of heterosexual, as well as homosexual, behavior,” Roselli says. “Same-sex attraction is widespread across many different species.”
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Worried about pollution? Stay away from home, where moving around?and even vacuuming?can kick up enough dust particles to be hazardous to your health. Maybe this will reassure you: the toilet seat is the most germ free place in your house.

Michael Bernstein writes for the American Chemical Society that that ordinary household activities can increase your exposure to particulate pollution. When small particles lodge in your lungs and get into your bloodstream, they can cause everything from asthma to heart disease. Particulates in your home come from outdoor, cooking, smoking, heating equipment and ordinary human activities?like moving around.
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In the latest issue of The Nation, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes: "The Bush Administration’s first instinct when it comes to science has been to suppress, discredit or alter facts it doesn’t like. Over the past two years the Administration has done this to a dozen major government studies on global warming, in its own efforts to stall action to controlindustrial emissions." And discoveries about global warming are by no means the only facts that have been distorted.
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