Let us know by voting in our new poll! To learn the results of our controversial last poll: Should gay marriage be allowed??read on.

There were many multiple votes, with about 80% of them being for the constitutional amendment choice, and the vast majority of these coming from just a few individuals. Once the extra votes were removed, the voting looked like this:

48% said: Yes, as a basic right that should be confirmed by the courts. 22% said: No, there should be a constitutional amendment forbidding it.19% said: No, but civil unions should be allowed.7% said: Yes, but the states should have the right to decide.4% said No, but the states should have the right to decide.
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With the news about genetically-modified crops and Mad Cow Disease, it seems as if no food is safe to eat. Now the EPA has discovered that the fumes released into the air when a bag of butter-flavored microwave popcorn is opened can be deadly.

Exposure to vapors from this butter flavoring, which contain the chemical diacetyl, has been blamed for a rare lung disease contracted by popcorn factory workers in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska. It’s not known if the amounts of this chemical released during popping at home are large enough to be dangerous.
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Scientists used to think that the ideas of quantum physics?for instance, that everything is in “superposition” (both everywhere and nowhere) until observed and that particles can be “entangled” and affect each other at great distances?applied only on the atomic level, but now they’re using quantum weirdness to create incredible new inventions.

In Business Week, John Carey quotes physicist William D. Phillips as saying, “To common sense, quantum mechanics is nonsensical.” But it’s already been used to create lasers and MRI machines. Phillips is clumping together groups of atoms that are both “everywhere” and “nowhere” at the same time. He says, “Every atom is everywhere?that’s what makes it so wonderful?It can do some amazing things.”
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Researcher Mario Beauregard is studying where in the brain religious feelings are actually experienced by placing electrodes on the scalps of seven nuns in order to record the electrical activity in their brains as they recall a spiritual experience. Before they would allow him to do this, Beauregard had to convince the nuns that he was not trying to disprove the existence of God.

The nuns all say they had a religious experience while they were in their 20s that caused them to choose their vocation. Previous experiments have shown that remembering an intense emotional experience activates the same brain networks as actually having that experience.
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