First there was the Ray Wallace hoax, where Wallace left information, to be released after his death, that he faked a set of famous Bigfoot prints. Now Bob Heironimus says he played the role of Bigfoot in the notorious film made by the late Roger Patterson. Heironimus says, “It’s time people knew it was a hoax.”

Richard Leiby writes in the Washington Post that Heironimus says he wore a gorilla suit in the film, which Patterson made in 1967 in Northern California. This film has been analyzed for years. Author Greg Long says the gorilla suit was made by Philip Morris, who sold it to Patterson for $435.

Long says, “Patterson was the cameraman. They made a gentleman’s agreement that Bob would get in the suit and walk in front of the camera for $1,000.”
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As part of our new Communion Letters series, Amy writes: One time I woke up in the middle of the night (it was dark?no night lights) and I saw the outline of an insect-like creature with a large head and 2 large black eyes standing over me.

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A radio telescope used by SETI has detected a signal that may have come from extraterrestrial life. To learn the details, click here. And an amazing new UFO photo has been taken in St. Louis.

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The U.S. is experiencing more serious, widespread cases of West Nile than Europe because of the hybrid mosquitoes here. Genetic analysis shows that the mosquitoes carrying West Nile in the U.S. have the combined DNA of two different types of European mosquitoes. One of them normally bites birds, while the other bites people. The hybrids bite both.
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