We recently wrote that a team of seismologists has discovered that microquakes in California?many of which can’t even be felt?predict when a Big One is due. A team of scientists that has gotten earlier earthquake predictions right now expects a 6.4 magnitude or larger quake in the Southern California desert, somewhere between Mexico and Barstow, by Sept. 5. And the recent 4.5 quake in Israel leads seismologists to predict a bigger one in the future. Past quakes there are described in the Bible, including one that may have occurred during the crucifixion.
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59 animals have been killed in the Sao Paulo Zoo since last month, including an elephant, dromedaries, monkeys and porcupines. Tests show the animals were killed with a rat poison that is banned in Brazil.

For Reuters, Paula Lace quotes Sao Paulo minister Joao Carlos Meirelles as saying, “We can say with almost total certainty that the suspects will be identified by next week, give or take.”

The zoo has put 15 workers on leave while they are under investigation, and has ordered all zoo staff members to work in pairs. Ronaldo, who works at the zoo, says, “If this is an outside job, I can’t understand how they are managing to do it, given our strict security measures.”
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UFOs have been seen in the U.K., Canada and Kansas, and a wonderful new photo of a UFO was taken in Venezuela.

Kevin Engstrom reports in the Winnipeg (Canada) Sun that John Stewart saw a UFO in August, along with his wife and 11-year-old son. “It was the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” he says. “It was absolutely amazing to see and the more I think about it, the more I wish I could see it again.”
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A recent Israeli army raid on Palestinian banks found payrolls for terrorists who were being trained to commit suicide attacks in the U.S. and Europe. In the raids, Israel seized between 6.5 and 9 million dollars in cash from four bank branches. Most of it had been deposited by Iran, Syria and Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas especially to fund Palestinian terrorists.
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