As part of our series on new Communion Letters, Gary writes: It was about 9:30, Sunday night, November, 1993 when I saw the Black Triangle UFO.

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Dave Louthan, the man who slaughtered the cow in Washington State that started the Mad Cow madness, has a chilling update for us.

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We’re all star-struck around Academy Awards time, but according to one interpretation of a recent psychological study, young people who worship celebrities may have psychological problems, and be lonely, insecure or lacking in social skills. Another interpretation says celebrity worship is an important part of growing up, and that these teenagers are emotionally well-adjusted and popular.
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Patrick Moore help found Greenpeace in 1971, but today he’s pushing GM foods and nuclear power plants. And the Sierra Club is being taken over by anti-immigration activists. What’s going on here?

Drake Bennett writes in that despite campaigning in the past against nuclear testing, Moore joined the other side in 1986. Today he supports many of the interests he once fought against, such as the timber and plastics industries. He says the Amazon rain forest doesn’t need protection, the Three Gorges Dam in China was a great idea, and that opposition to genetically-modified foods is dangerous.
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