NASA’s press conference at 2 pm EST today announcedthat liquid water had existed for an “appreciable time” on Mars, and that the planetary environment had once been capable of supporting life. So far, NASA has not found any fossils, but the presence of the Opportunity rover in what is now known to have been a lake or sea bed means that, if such fossils were ever formed, there is a reasonable chance of finding them.
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Visitors to the Singapore zoo have noticed that the polar bears there have turned green. At first it was suspected that someone had sneaked into the compound and spray pained them. But then it was discovered that algae is growing in their fur. “The harmless algae is the result of Singapore’s warm and humid climate,” says zoo spokesman Vincent Tan. They’ve been returned to their original white state by being painted with a hydrogen-peroxide solution.

Another giant who sometimes looks a little green is Bigfoot. Does he really exist??Read the evidence!

To see a photo of a REAL green bear,click here.

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We recently reported that according to the (U.K.) Sunday Express, Osama bin-Laden?s hiding place, in the mountains bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan, is being monitored by U.S. satellites. Now Yossi Melman writes in the Haaretz Daily that Iran’s official IRNA news agency says bin-Laden has been captured.
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As part of our series of new Communion Letters, we present the experiences of Bill, an Air Force pilot who had a UFO experience. If anyone should be able to tell the difference between a secret military craft and a UFO, it’s an Air Force pilot!

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