Crop circles, which used to be seen mainly in the U.K., have started turning up in fields all over the world. For the past three years, crop circles have been appearing in the small village of Wylatowo in Poland. Just like in the U.K., orbs of light have been seen flying over the circles. Those who have seen them say, “First, there’s a great silence. No trees whispering, no birds singing, even the air seems still while a thick fog forms above the ground. It is pitch dark. It all lasts a few minutes, during which the crops all of the sudden start ‘lying down’ in the form of characteristic circles; then, everything comes back to life.”
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Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who has spoken frankly with colleagues about UFOs and aliens, but avoided mentioning them in public, recently spoke out on the subject at a recent talk in Florida. He said, “A few insiders know the truth?and are studying the bodies that have been discovered.”

Waveney Ann Moore writes in the St. Petersburg Times that Mitchell claims that a “cabal” of insiders stopped briefing presidents about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy. Mitchell has lived with the edge?he was healed of prostate cancer during a healing ceremony. He has founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), which investigates “phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models, while maintaining a commitment to scientific rigor.”
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The government wants to allow chemical companies to test pesticides on people. However, the Natural Resources Defense Council calls this an “appalling suggestion.”

Maggie Fox writes in Reuters that for the last 6 years, the EPA has allowed no human testing, but chemical manufacturers want to overturn the EPA ban because they say the new standards for pesticides are based on the worst possible effects they could have on lab animals and the best way to prove their products are safe is to start testing them on people. Some companies have started paying volunteers to eat or drink pesticides and other chemicals.
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The authors of the secret Pentagon global warming report now say they were only reporting a “worst case” scenario. Futurologist Peter Schwartz says that “unlikely though such events are, such studies are valuable?as valuable as if, say, someone in the 1990s had investigated the highly unlikely looking possibility that someone would try to destroy the World Trade Center by flying two airplanes into it.”
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