A fireman noticed that a security camera at a tire shop in La Joya may have captured the image of a ghost. Fire chief Richard Flores says, “[After a recent fire,] we had one of the firefighters taking pictures?and when she took the picture she looked down at the back of the digital camera and it looked blurry and she thought she messed up.” But after printing the photo, the image became clear: it was a fireman.

For kgbt4.com news, Ray Pedraza quotes Flores as saying that it can?t be one image superimposed over another because “We started talking to people and they say digital cameras don’t do that. Digital cameras will take pictures and then stop. They won’t take pictures over ones that have already been taken.”
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Some mammals, such as zebras, gazelles, deer and goats, can adjust the sex of their offspring?something human parents have been trying to do for many years. They produce males when conditions are good for childbearing, and daughters at less favorable times. And there is a mysterious town in India where almost everyone gives birth to twins.
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It has just been revealed that on January 13, astronomers came within a few minutes of telling the world that an asteroid was about to impact the Earth. Asteroid expert Clark Chapman says it was a “nine-hour crisis.” It was an amateur astronomer who finally figured out it wasn’t going to hit us.
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A haunted wine box has just been sold on eBay. Learn all about it?and decide whether or not you believe it?by clicking here.

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