Our new prayer group prayer is: For the health of our planet and its creatures. Now that the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has announced that the Gulf Stream is in danger of failing, all nations and all of earth’s creatures face the greatest environmental challenge in recorded history. We pray for the health of earth and her children. Please join us.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

We’ve taken a dollar off all William Henry’s books, including his newest, Oracle of the Illuminati, in which William tells us that Jesus, Leonardo da Vinci and artist Salvador Dali all shared one of the world’s greatest secrets. But hurry?this sale will end on Feb. 18! Some of William’s books have sold out already, but if you order while the sale is in progress, you will still get the sale price on backordered books.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Regular Dreamland guest Jim Marrs says that we only think we vote for our leaders?the world is really run by a secret international cabal. While we don’t like to believe this at election time, the fact that the leading Presidential candidates all belong to the same secret society makes one wonder if it’s true.

Charles Laurence reports in The Telegraph that President Bush and John Kerry both belonged to Skull and Bones at Yale University, which has been called America’s most elite and elusive secret society. Bush’s father, George Bush, was a member as well.
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In the February 3 New York Times, Donald G. McNeil interviewed Dave Louthan, who slaughtered the cow on December 9 that was later discovered to have had Mad Cow Disease. He disputes the official statement that the diseased cow was a “downer” and says, “Mad cows aren’t downers. They’re up and they’re crazy.” This means they’ll be much harder to identify, unless every single cow is tested. He also says that during slaughtering, debris from the spinal cord, where the dangerous prions lurk, “runs all over the beef.”
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