Robert Uhlig writes in the (U.K.) Telegraph that flights from Europe to the U.S. are being cancelled lately due to fears that a “suicide bomber” who intentionally contracted a deadly, contagious disease, such as smallpox, is planning to board one of the planes and infect everyone on it, due to the recirculated air in the cabin. Uhlig writes, “A single sneeze would be enough to put hundreds of thousands of saliva droplets carrying the [smallpox] virus into circulation, which would be fatal to three out of 10 people not vaccinated against the disease.”
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We recently wrote about the race to stop bird flu before it mutates, making it possible to be passed between humans. Now it looks as if that race has been lost, since two sisters who died of bird flu in Vietnam probably caught it from their brother. In earlier cases, it was only caught through direct contact with infected chickens. A medical advisor to Hong Kong’s Department of Health says, “If it is found that bird flu can be passed from person to person, 300,000 people could die in Hong Kong alone.”

In, Tini Tran quotes Bob Dietz, of the World Health Organization, as saying, “?WHO considers that limited human-to-human transmission from the brother to his sisters is one possible explanation.”
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Alfonso Salazar and Salvador Guerrero, aviation technicians in Mexico, say they shot videos of eight UFOs as they flew over Mexico City’s International airport on Saturday. Since they work with planes, they knew these were not ordinary aircraft. And something was seen crashing into the ocean in Nigeria?but no airplane was found.
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Scientists in the U.K. have figured out how the Earth recovered from a sudden episode of global warming during the time of the dinosaurs. This could help us understand how to survive the upcoming climate change.

Global warming caused the erosion of rocks to increase by 400%, leaching calcium and magnesium into the ocean. This erosion could have been caused by an increase in rainfall, as well as higher ocean levels. These chemicals combined with the carbon dioxide that had been absorbed by the ocean, causing a chemical reaction that led to falling levels of greenhouse gases worldwide. Over a period of about 150,000 years, the Earth returned to normal.
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