After years of writing about how sudden climate change could be triggered by a change in the Gulf Stream on this website, and in The Coming Global Superstorm?and being totally ignored by the major media?the big news organizations are finally starting to “get it.” This week, Fortune Magazine and The New York Times both wrote about upcoming weather changes, due to global warming.
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On January 21 at 7:00 AM GMT, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded an unusual object in a routine image of the solar disk. An analysis of the .GIF image obtained from the SOHO website on 01/22/04 does not reveal any sign that the object has been digitally added to the image, or that the image has been altered in any way. However, a copy of the .GIF obtained at a different resolution on 01/27/04 shows an innocuous spot of light similar to a star where they object was in the original image, with none of the detail present earlier. It turns out that both images are authentic.
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If we establish a base on the Moon, how will the astronauts who live and work there survive? When Neil Armstrong was there in 1969, he said, “It has a stark beauty all its own. It’s much like the high desert of the United States.” But he didn?t spend months at a time there.

The moon affected the astronauts who went there in different ways. Buzz Aldrin later fought off alcoholism. Edgar Mitchell became a paranormal investigator. James Irwin became a born-again Christian, searching Mount Ararat for Noah’s Ark.
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A security guard was shot at the site of a huge ammonia storage tank near the Texas coast by a gunman who looked Middleastern and had an Arabic accent, after the guard caught him photographing the area. He’s being sought by the FBI, who think he may have been planning to explode the tank.The G2 Bulletin reports that the gunman escaped in a truck with tinted windows and no front license plate.

A local law enforcement source says this looks like a “terrorist reconnaissance operation?There are no signs of any explosives. There are no signs of any renegade ships in the area. But there is a strong likelihood this shooter and any companions that may have been with him were scoping out a possible target for terrorism.”
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