Colin Andrews reports that he took this photo at an approximately one minute exposure, using the ?B? setting at F11-16 on a Chinon 35 mm camera. Film was 100 ASA Fuji, high definition film.

The object in the picture was not noticed until the film was developed. The object appears between the lightning flashes and the camera, and is thus probably too small to be an airplane.

Any thoughts on what it might be would be appreciated, and should be sent to

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Athletes from countries around the world are getting ready to compete in the August, 2004 Olympics in Greece, and terrorists from around the world are getting ready to stage attacks there. Some of these terrorist groups are even cooperating with each other.

Western intelligence says these groups have been gathering and exchanging information, so anti-terrorism agencies have gotten together to share information too. Stylianos Syros, Greece’s counter-terrorism director, says, “We have an absolute need for an exchange of information between our services and to monitor and control the movements of these persons because the Olympic Games due to take place in August could be the target of anarchists.”
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Just in time for the upcoming Presidential election, computer scientists are saying that the new electronic voting machines can be hacked. Several states have already purchased these machines.

Celeste Biever writes in New Scientist that the Diebold Electronic voting machines are designed so that the votes are recorded on memory cards which must be physically collected, making them not that different from old-fashioned voting booths. However, the machines can be easily changed so that votes are counted wirelessly instead, which makes them vulnerable to hacking. It would be faster and cheaper to collect the votes this way, so “the benefits to election officials would be huge,” says computer scientist Doug Jones.
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The possibility of extraterrestrial life was discussed at the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. This group includes high-powered world leaders such as Vice President Dick Cheney and the chairman of Coca Cola.

Craig Copetas writes in Bloomberg News that De La Rue CEO Ian Much moderated a seminar on “The Conspiracy Behind Conspiracy Theories: Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders?”

“The panelists are the best in their domain; they all have expertise in specific fields,” says CEO Philippe Bourguignon. “The themes and sessions at Davos reflect the global agenda.”
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