The estrogen used for hormone replacement therapy came from the urine of specially kept pregnant mares. What’s going to happen to all those horses, now that thousands of women are no longer taking HRT? The answer: they’ll be slaughtered for horsemeat.

Keith Morrison writes for NBC News that many of the mares whose urine was used to produce HRT will be sold for horsemeat, which is popular in Europe and Japan. Premarin, which was made from their urine, was once a $2 billion business. Since estrogen could only be extracted from the urine of pregnant mares, there are lots of extra foals that may be slaughtered as well.
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62-year-old physicist Stephen Hawking, who is paralyzed by Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is in the hospital because he may have been tortured by someone close to him. Hawking, best known for his book “A Brief History of Time,” is now in the hospital and a police investigation has been launched into claims that he’s been seen with mysterious cuts and bruises, as well as being left outside in his wheelchair, where he suffered from sunburn and heatstroke. One nurse says leaving him stranded there was a form of “torture.”
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In the Woody Allen movie “Sleeper,” Woody’s body is frozen and he wakes up years later to discover that in order to have an orgasm, people simply go into an “orgasm box.” Now fiction has become reality: researchers have created “Slightest Touch,” a device that can give women orgasms by only touching their ankles.

It works by stimulating the sexual nerve pathway. Women drink an electrolyte sports drink 20 minutes before using it, then apply two white electrode pads inside their ankles and turn on the machine. Slightest Touch sends gentle pulses up the woman’s leg for between 10 and 30 minutes leaving women on the edge of climax.
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What you eat and drink can protect you from certain diseases and maybe even cure others. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, which are present in foods like berries, tea and red wine, may help keep elderly brains healthy. Researcher P. Dwight Tapp says, “We found that old dogs that were on an antioxidant diet performed better on a variety of cognitive tests than dogs that were not on the diet. In fact, the dogs eating the antioxidant-fortified foods performed as well as young animals.”
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