Regarding our story on Yellowstone volcanoes getting ready to blow, a reader named “Jeffrey” writes: “Actually, the Park Department IS telling everyone about the danger and eventuality of Yellowstone exploding. I’m not sure why the news media hasn’t picked it up?And yes, the next big explosion is long overdue.” When it blows, it will devastate a wide area, causing mass evacuations.
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David Whitehouse writes in that a giant hole appeared in a layer of clouds in Mobile, Alabama, caused by changes in atmospheric temperatures due to global warming. The hole formed when the contrails from a passing plane froze and fell through a cloud, causing the water droplets inside it to evaporate. The warmer lower atmosphere has made the upper atmosphere cooler, which causes contrails to freeze, sometimes crashing to the Earth as mysterious blocks of ice. To see the “sky hole” click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

The Japanese company Takara, which invented decoders to help you understand what your cat and dog are "saying," has invented a product which lets you create you own dreams.

The first step is recording your future dream by describing it to a special tape recorder. When you’re asleep, the recorder senses when your body is having periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when people dream, then it plays the recording, along with appropriate lights, music and smells. Takara’s Kenji Hattori says, "Some said the theme was right, but the story-line was wrong. Some said the noise woke them up. But it has worked for quite a number of people."
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How does al-Qaeda recruit terrorists in the U.S.??mostly in prisons. Bitter, disaffected inmates?especially racial minorities who may already feel they are not part of society?are ripe for recruitment and can be trained to participate in terror attacks when they get out. Besides the high cost of caring for our large prison population, this is another reason to release people imprisoned for minor drug offenses, since their resentment at being given long mandatory sentences makes them susceptible to terrorist indoctrination.
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