Researcher Richard Wiseman studies how to be lucky. He says lucky charms do work, but only because people believe in them. Some people believe in them so much, they use voo doo to try to influence the outcomes of trials.

Rachel Williams writes in the Pennsylvania News that Wiseman found that carrying a luck charm had no effect on whether or not people chose winning lottery numbers, despite the fact that 30% of the people he tested thought their luck had improved. At the end of the study, 70% said they’d continue to carry the lucky charm with them.
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Since the small, practical actions necessary to help prevent global warming have not been taken, scientists are now considering crazy schemes to get the job done.

Mark Townsend writes in The Observer that U.K. climate scientists are proposing to build a massive shield on the edge of space that would deflect the Sun’s rays and stabilize the Earth’s climate. It would be made up of thousands of tons of small metal pieces, ejected into the upper atmosphere. Another sun barrier could be billions of tiny balloons sent into space. These ideas were inspired by the cooling effect from the 1814 volcanic eruptions in Indonesia, which spewed enough matter into the upper atmosphere to cause temperatures to fall by 30% for 3 years.
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Chemical preservatives from underarm deodorants have been found in breast cancer tumors. Researcher Philip Harvey says, “From this research it is not possible to say whether parabens actually caused these tumors, but they may certainly be associated with the overall rise in breast cancer cases.”

Biologist Philippa Darbre says, “?These results help explain why up to 60% of all breast tumors are found in just one-fifth of the breast?the upper-outer quadrant, nearest the underarm.”
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