UFO researcher Kenny Young reports that a UFO was seen by 3 policemen in Huntington, Indiana on Friday, Dec. 26. They described it as silent, as large as a hot air balloon and flying so low that they thought it might get caught as it passed over a church steeple.

Cindy Klepper writes in the Huntington, Indiana Herald Press that Chip Olinger saw it first, then contacted Greg Hedrick and Randy Hoover, who also saw the object. Olinger was in his car, getting ready to go home, at 2:30 p.m., when he spotted the craft.
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As part of our ongoing series of new Communion Letters, “Jeremy” talks about his own meeting with the Master of the Key.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

At 11:53 PM EST Saturday night NASA’s Spirit Mars Lander returned tones indicating that it had landed and was upright and functioning, after a multi-million mile journey from Earth to Mars. Two out of three Mars missions have failed, most recently the British Beagle 2 mission, which has not yet reported back after its landing.

With Mars currently 106 million miles from Earth, it takes approximately 10 minutes for signals to reach here from the lander.

Early Sunday, the lander began sending back its first pictures of its immediate surroundings in the Gusev Crater.
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The Earth’s magnetic field moves around. Right now, the north magnetic pole is in Canada, near Resort Bay (population 300), where you can buy a tee shirt saying, “Resolute Bay isn’t the end of the world, but you can see it from here.” Soon it will leave North America and head for Siberia. And lately, it’s started moving much faster.

In 1831, James Ross located magnetic north. When Roald Amundsen returned to the same spot in 1904, he found it had moved 30 miles. Once scientists found that the pole moved about 6 miles per year, but lately it has accelerated to around 25 miles per year. Researcher Larry Newitt says, “We usually go out and check its location once every few years. We’ll have to make more trips now that it is moving so quickly.”
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