Scientists have long tested the air, earth and water for pollutants?now they’re testing human bodies. They’ve discovered that no matter how healthy a life you try to live, you can’t help the fact that your body is filled with pesticides, flame retardants and other toxic chemicals.
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Most people who get Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, the human form of Mad Cow Disease, don’t get it from eating meat. Are our pets in danger of getting it??since most pet food is made from dogs and cats.

Malcolm Ritter writes that despite the fact that around 250 people in the U.S. die from CJD every year, most of these cases don’t come from eating meat. “Classic” CJD usually occurs in older people who have inherited a genetic mutation for it. “Variant” CJD can be caught from eating tainted meat and also from contaminated equipment used for medical procedures, since the prions that pass along the disease are not killed by ordinary sterilization techniques.
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Famous abductee Betty Hill, who was taken aboard a UFO along with her husband Barney in New Hampshire in 1961, says, “They grabbed us to see if we were similar to them. I can understand why they were interested in us physically. I don’t hold that against them, to this day.”
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Psychologist Richard Wiseman says, “Ten years ago, I set out to examine luck. I wanted to know why some people are always in the right place at the right time, while others consistently experience ill fortune.” He says he’s found the answer.
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