There are many UFO photos that have never been debunked or explained, and continue to baffle researchers. Six of the most famous are described here. Jim Wilson writes about them in Popular Mechanics.

Incredible black-and-white photos of a UFO were taken in 1950 by Oregon farmer Paul Trent. His wife and father-in-law saw the craft as well. Wilson quotes researcher Jerome Clark as saying, “If authentic, they comprise significant evidence for the reality of intelligently controlled UFOs.”
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There are a lot of cliches about love: that men should woo women with chocolate, that women feel emotional while guys feel sexual, that men in love get careless with money, that having sex will make you fall in love. Surprise!?It turns out that scientists have found a biological basis for every one of these.

Using MRI scans, researchers found activity in the areas of the brain which are linked to energy and elation in people who claimed to be in love. But women’s brains showed emotional responses, while men’s responses were mostly sexual. Other areas of the brain changed as well?including one that’s activated when people eat chocolate.
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The solstice is the day when days start getting longer, meaning that spring, and a good harvest, will return again. The winter solstice starts on December 21st now, but in 283 BC, it was closer to December 25th. The consecration of an ancient Greek sun god statue, the 200 ton Colossus of Rhodes, was celebrated on December 25th of that year. This may have inspired the decision to celebrate Jesus’ birthday on that date, which was made by Roman emperor Constantine, in the 4th century AD. For Constantine, this symbolized the idea that the Jesus had taken the place of the ancient gods.
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Chimps and humans are 99% alike when it comes to DNA. Researchers think what makes us different are “lifestyle” changes that occurred 6 million years ago, when we both separated from a common ancestor. These have to do with how we smell and hear things and what we eat.
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