With solar storms at a historic high, NASA is worried about the radiation that’s raining down on astronauts. They’re developing a radiation shield that can be used on spacecraft, shuttles and the International Space Station.

NASA’s Ed Semmes says, “Going anywhere in the solar system or universe will depend on protecting crews from radiation. Lunar exploration, which may be in the near future, and if we chose to go to Mars in the future, will be dependent on this research.”
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In our series of new Communion Letters, we present the story of a woman who discovered she had a second, “alien,” daughter, who was the college roommate of her human daughter! click here to learn more.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

The Vinland Map is a drawing of Iceland, Greenland and the northeastern coast of North America that has been dated to the mid-15th century?unless it’s a forgery. If it’s real, it means that Norse explorers visited North America long before Columbus. The map, which is worth $20 million, was discovered in the 1950s and is kept at Yale University. “Many scholars have agreed that if the Vinland Map is authentic, it is the only existing cartographic representation of North America prior to Columbus,” says scholar Jacqueline Olin. Recent discoveries show it may be authentic.
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Christof Koch wants to find where consciousness lies inside what he calls our “zombie” self: the part of our brain that works automatically, so that our lungs breathe, our heart beats, our eyes blink, and we walk and talk. And he wants to know the purpose of consciousness, since we can obviously exist perfectly well, as zombies, without it.

In an extraordinary article, Margaret Wertheim quotes him in LA Weekly as saying, “When you walk, you don?t think, ‘lift leg, move leg forward, put leg down.’ You just walk! If you had to consciously think through that stuff, you?d never get anywhere?You drive to work on autopilot, move your eyes, brush your teeth, tie your shoelaces, talk, and all the other myriad chores that constitute daily life.”
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