Lisa Morgan, the geologist leading a US Geological Survey team studying a bulge beneath Yellowstone Lake says, “it could be the precursor to a hydrothermal explosion.” Hydrothermal explosions take place when water is superheated by lava and they can be extremely violent.

Geothermal activity and earth movements have been increasing in Yellowstone in recent months. In August, a magnitude 4.4 earthquake struck the area, and in July parts of a trail that passes the Norris Geyser Basin were shut because ground temperatures reached 200 degrees.
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On Dreamland this week for subscribers, UFO researcher Brian Vike gets us up-to-date with Part II of his report on the continuing problems for the Canadian family that had a missing time experience, which has led to their mysterious medical problems, as well as other amazing UFO sightings and encounters. Read on for Brian’s report on some of the details.

Brian says: Since July 31, 2003, after an UFO encounter, missing time and disturbing episodes which followed, one of the women has continued to have some medical problems. Cynthia continues to have a constant feeling of pressure on her head and is becoming worse as the days and weeks go by. This feeling of pressure has now moved into her neck.
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In our new poll we ask you how you handle, or expect to handle, close encounters. Have you had some and never told anyone? Or have you told and had good?or bad?results? In our last poll we asked you who you think killed JFK. Keep reading for those results?

33% of you think it was a conspiracy, but not any of the ones mentioned in the poll (and we thought we covered everything!) 28% of you think it was done by Lyndon Johnson and the Texas political machine. 12% say JFK was killed so he wouldn’t reveal UFO secrets, while 11% think the CIA did it because Kennedy was soft on Communism. 10% vote for a Mafia hit, and 5% think Oswald acted alone. Less than 1% think he was killed by vengeful Cuban exiles.

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The two man U.S. and Russian crew of the International Space Station heard a metallic crunching noise the day before Thanksgiving, but Russian space officials and NASA say the ISS was not hit by an object from space. “All systems are intact,” says NASA’s Rob Navias. “All of the data from the U.S. and Russian sides shows nothing out of the ordinary.”

Mark Carreau writes in the Houston Chronicle that astronaut Mike Foale thought it sounded as if something had struck the part of the ISS the houses the crew’s sleeping quarters, kitchen and bathroom. “It sounded like a metal tin can kind of being expanded and compressed,” Foale says. “It was a noise that lasted about a second. It sounded like an impact or something.”
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