U.S. politicians are finally admitting that we’re in the midst of global warming, but they don’t all agree that this is caused by human activity. While it’s vital to plan for the future now?no matter how we got into this situation?it’s important to know how much influence human activity has had on climate change, because that’s where we can make the biggest changes.
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The famous Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash, which occurred in 1947, is not the only time a UFO fell to Earth. Another crash?complete with debris and alien bodies?may have taken place in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941.

Hal McKenzie writes in cosmictribune.com that Charlette Mann says her grandfather, Rev. William Huffman, went to the crash site to “bless” three dead aliens. She learned this from the 1984 deathbed confession of her grandmother, who said her husband was called to the site, where he saw police, firemen, FBI agents and photographers. When he looked inside the crashed UFO, he saw hieroglyphic writing of the kind that has been described as being inside the Roswell craft.
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Lawyers for the Coalition for Freedom of Information say NASA still refuses to comply with the Feedom of Information Act request they made 10 months ago to get copies of its records on the 1965 UFO incident in Kecksburg, PA., when residents saw a fireball descend into a heavily-forested area. The area was cordoned off by the military, and the town was briefly placed under martial law. CFi attorney Lee Helfrich says, “The documents released shed little light on the incident, but are indicative of how hard NASA is trying to prevent the public from finding out what really happened on December 9, 1965.”
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Bible scholars say there are about twelve years of Jesus’ life that are unaccounted for, and Dr. H.J. Trebst thinks he visited the holy city of Puri, in India, during this time. While there, he studied the Hindu Veda and was exposed to Buddhist ideas, which some Biblical scholars say can be detected in the gospels.

2,000 years ago, Puri was famous as a seat of learning and many different religious leaders visited there. Indian religious scholars are searching their own texts for evidence of Jesus’ visit there. Trebst plans to look in the library of the Jagatguru Sankeracharya, the oldest collection of manuscripts in India, which has a large collection of palm leaf manuscripts datomg from the 4th century BC.
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