SETI, which uses down time on the computers of thousands of volunteers to search for intelligent signals from space, has a potential problem?besides information, a broadcast to us from an alien intelligence could also carry a computer virus.

While this may sound like an idea from a science fiction movie, Leonard David writes in that physicist Richard Carrigan takes it seriously. He thinks SETI should figure out how to decontaminate any signals it receives.
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The magnetic field that surrounds Earth is getting weaker, as the magnetic poles get ready to flip. The pole reversal happens at regular intervals, but it’s coming at a bad time, since the magnetic field protects us from radiation from the sun, and solar flares are at a historic high right now.

As the sun revolves, the sunspot activity that has temporarily faced away from the Earth has started directly affecting us again. Giant sunspots 486 and 488 are moving into a position where they can once again direct solar explosions towards the Earth. Meanwhile, sunspot 484 has developed a complex magnetic field, meaning it can also give out X-class solar flares, so strong sunspot activity is predicted for the next few days.
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Jim Marrs, author of War on Freedom and Alien Agenda, has also made a study of the evidence in the JFK assassination. He says, “While the assassination evidence is often ambiguous and contradictory and will certainly be in controversy for years to come, the handling of the evidence clearly points to manipulation and obfuscation at the highest levels of federal authority, a clear view of who was responsible for at least the demonstrable cover-up, if not the assassination itself.” Don’t miss this terrific Insight.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Cell phones have been accused of being dangerous because they beam microwaves into people’s brains, but now a new cell phone danger has been discovered. If you talk on your cell phone while walking, it can give you an aching back.

Australian researcher Paul Hodges says this is because of the way we breathe. You may not have noticed this, but the human body is designed to exhale when our feet touch the ground, in order to protect the spine from sudden jolts. But talking and walking at the same time disrupts this pattern, so the spine is more likely to be injured. While we sometimes talk with other people while walking, we?re much more likely to talk on our cell phones.
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