As part of our new Communion Letters series, “Fred” writes us from British Columbia, where Brian Vike has been reporting on an incredible wave of UFO and abduction activity (his second report for subscribers will be up November 29). To read Fred’s amazing real-life adventures, click here.

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Jim Marrs, that’s who, with his wonderful book War on Freedom, about what he considers to be one of the ultimate conspiracies of modern times.

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Do our dreams give us messages from our bodies about health problems we may not be aware of? The ancient Greeks thought that dreams contained information that could be used to diagnose disease. With some diseases, specific dreams are more likely to occur; however, people who have the most severe cases of these diseases often say they don’t dream at all.
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Scientists now know that our sexuality is hard-wired into our genes. But psychologists and clergy have long tried to “cure” gay people of their “orientation,” sometimes through aversion therapy of the kind seen in the movie “A Clockwork Orange.” In the U.K., this was even paid for by the National Health Services. What were the results?

Brian Wheeler writes in that, according to psychiatrist Michael Knight, there were many “biological treatments for homosexuality,” until recently. In the 1920s, German medical researchers implanted testicles from corpses into the bodies of homosexual men, in order to increase testosterone levels. Knight says, “They were told they were going to have an operation, but not what was going to be done to them.”
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