Most scientists now believe that, due to the fossil evidence, birds are an evolutionary offspring of dinosaurs. Now they’ve discovered that 175 to 275 million years ago, when this evolution began to take place, oxygen fell to dangerously low levels on Earth. This may have led to the major extinction event which eliminated 90% of all the species. It would have made breathing the air at sea level the same as breathing at high altitudes today and could have led to the development of the unusual breathing system found in some dinosaurs, including the brontosaurus, which still exists in today’s birds.
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We recently wrote about how global warming will change California. Now a new report says that there will be major changes in Washington state as well. “The time for plain speaking is long overdue,” says climatologist Edward Miles. “We have never faced a problem like this.”

Lisa Stiffler and Robert McClure write in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that the area’s major problems in the future will be include a shortened ski season, sinking cities, California-style wildfires and mahi-mahi, instead of salmon.
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In our latest poll, we ask you: Do you feel that great changes are coming soon? And subscribers can now download Whitley’s famous novella “The Open Doors” about Dr. John Von Neumann, who some believe is behind the UFO secrecy that still exists today.

In our last poll, we asked you about small household energy use changes in developed countries will mean huge CO2 emission reductions. 51% of you thought these changes should be voluntary, while 22% of you thought they should become law in every developed country. 22% say we can’t affect global warming and 5% say global warming doesn’t exist.
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We have plenty of evidence of the existence of lost, technologically sophisticated civilizations from the past. One of these is remembered in the legend of Atlantis, written about by the Greek philosopher Plato. Greg Little takes his cue from Edgar Cayce, and is looking for Atlantis in the Caribbean. He talks to Whitley about his underwater adventures on this week’s Dreamland. Michele Kambas and Jean Christou write that another researcher, Robert Sarmast, decided to take Plato literally and search for Atlantis in Cyprus. He says, “The island of Cyprus was, or is, part of Atlantis?a mountaintop.”
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