You’ve noticed that tiny stickers that now appear on almost all fruit, and probably been annoyed that you have to peel each one off. These contain bar codes for the check-out clerk, but they also contain a secret the store might not want you to know.
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Neurophysiologist Dick Burgess is trying to find scientific proof for consciousness and the soul. Some of his evidence comes from the story of Uttara Haddur, a Hindu woman who suddenly began speaking an ancient form of Bengali in 1974, without ever having studied the language. She told stories of people in a village many miles away and said her name was Sharada. University of Virginia reincarnation researcher Ian Stevenson traveled to India to study her, and found out that she was telling true stories about people and events from the early 1800s. Burgess says, “This case is very difficult to explain unless Sharada’s soul is driving Uttara’s nervous system.”
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This winter’s weather will feature dramatic shifts between hot and cold from month to month, and even week to week, due to the absence of either an El Nino or La Nina in the Pacific Ocean. El Nino is an unusual warming of the Pacific ocean which leads to a mild winter in the U.S., while La Nina does the opposite. Without either one, the weather will fluctuate wildly.

Richard Valdmanis writes in that most weather forecasting agencies agree on this prediction. “We’re going to see outstanding cold spells throughout the U.S., balanced by unseasonable warmth,” said AccuWeather’s Joe Bastardi.
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The war against Islamic fundamentalists means that we in the West need to accept the moderate version of Islam?since the religion itself is here to stay. Prince Sultan of Saudi Arabia has said, “As we believe in Moses and Jesus, so the Jews and Christians should also believe in our Prophet Mohammad.” One of the things that troubles Westerners most about this idea is the treatment of women in so many Islamic countries, especially when it comes to female circumcision, which these governments say is part of their religion. Now a leading Swedish Muslim leader has announced that this practice is actually forbidden by Islam.
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