We wrote that runaway icebergs are killing plankton in the Antarctic by blocking the sun from reaching the surface of the water. This is bad news for more than penguins, because scientists think, eons ago, these tiny shelled sea creatures ended a 200 million year era of extreme ice ages and have protected the Earth from repeating this cycle ever since.
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The letter reproduced on our new Insight is circulating around the internet. It was allegedly received from an unknown source. No matter its origin, the question it asks is an important one, and each of us needs to consider our answer: Change the World?Decide Whether We Should Show Up!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Like females everywhere, spiders never forget their first romance. A study of spiders shows female wolf spiders will eat strange-looking males that try to mate with them, but spare familiar-looking males. Anthropologist Eileen Hebets says, “The female is using earlier experience that is going to affect her mate choice later. It is reasonable to expect that is a common thing in other animals” (like us).

Maggie Fox writes in abcnews.com that during their courtship, female wolf spiders can mate, run away or to eat their suitors. Sometimes one of them mates and then eats the guy afterwards.
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Scientists never knew how the Egyptians mummified their dead so effectively, but now it’s been discovered they used an extract of the cedar tree. Researcher Ulrich Weser says, “Modern science has finally found the secret of why some mummies can last for thousands of years.”
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