Join us in our latest prayer as we think of those who have lost their homes in the California fires. We send out a prayer for rain and a prayer for strength.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Auroras have been photographed as far south as Houston midway through one of the most unusual solar events ever recorded. The earth’s magnetic field is at present extremely thin and pushed back far from the sunward side of the planet by the powerful solar wind. Therefore, it is possible that significantly higher than expected radiation levels could be reached on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and various geomagnetic effects could continue or worsen during that time.
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When we’re frightened, the part of the nervous system is activated that makes our adrenaline surge. Our heart beats faster and our blood pressure rises in a “fight or flight” response that can only be released by screaming or running away. Cardiologist Howard Bush says, “It’s survival.”

Daniela Lamas writes in the Miami Herald that it might actually be possible to be scared to death. A genetic disorder that affects the heart’s rhythm, long QT syndrome, can cause the heart to go into spasms following physical exercise, intense emotion, or a startling noise. But in general, it’s not a single scary moment that kills people, it’s a long history of disease.
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Despite the Warren Commission’s conclusion that only one gunman killed John F. Kennedy in 1963, recent research shows that two gunmen were almost certainly involved. And new information about who actually killed Kennedy?and why?has also been revealed.
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