The areas that are burning in California have always been dry, but people have successfully lived there for years without having their houses burn down. Was it always just a matter of time, or did something change–and was that something terrorism or too much population growth?

As we reported yesterday, the FBI alerted law enforcement agencies last month that an al-Qaeda prisoner said he had planned to start a series of forest fires around the U.S., although he didn’t mention California specifically. Rose Davis, of the National Interagency Fire Center, says they didn’t act on the warning and many forest law enforcement officers had no idea the warning had even been issued. However, it’s doubtful they could have done much to prevent the fires, even if they had.
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A couple walking in the Netherlands on the afternoon of October 26 near the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) took some photos. When they looked at them later, the man noticed he had photographed a UFO. He says, “?I was determined to get a good image of the Radio Telescope?Only when I looked at the pictures yesterday, I noticed that there was ‘something strange’ on it.” The WSRT is located in a park near the village of Westerbork and does astronomical research. One of its uses has been to locate hydrogen in nearby galaxies. NASA asked Westerbork to search for the missing Mars Polar Lander.
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An explosion of extreme power occured on the sun at 3:10 AM Pacific Time today. This explosion is classed as an X-17 solar flare. X-1 is the least strong of the high power flares, X-9 normally the highest on the scale.

The flare sent a coronal mass ejection directly toward earth, and its effects should be felt as early as tonight. (Tuesday, October 28) Auroras should be visible as far south the Great Plains, and possibly farther south.

Whether the CME will result in disruptions to electronic devices and power transmission facilities, or have other effects is not known. However, the earth’s magnetic field has been buffeted by solar storms in recent weeks, and it is likely that various effects will be felt.
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In September, Alex Rommel, age 12, saw a Bigfoot with his sister, Sarah, 13, in Hiouchi, California. Also, two men reported seeing Bigfoot in Klamath around the same time. The Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) says that Del Norte County has more reported Bigfoot encounters per square mile than anywhere else in the world. It’s also the area where the controversial Bigfoot film was shot on Oct. 20, 1967 by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin.

Patty Rommel says, “My 12-year-old son Alex came in and said, ‘Mom, Mom, I saw Bigfoot,’ and I thought ‘That’s good, honey. Go out and play.’ And before I knew it, my 13-year-old daughter, Sara, who is very stable and very intelligent, shot out of the house to see what he was looking at.”
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