Medical marijuana users in Canada may go back to the illegal stuff, if the government can’t learn to grow it right. The Ministry of Health began distributing the drug to patients with serious illnesses last month. Canada has allowed the use of medical marijuana for over two years, but until a recent court order, people had to get it from street dealers. Now the government provides it, but a patients’ rights group says their pot is weak and nauseating.
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Is your doctor always talking to his office or to patients on his cell phone? According to Israeli investigators, physicians are actually spreading infections throughout hospitals as they talk on their phones.

Deborah Mitchell writes about a study in which Dr. Abraham Borer randomly screened 124 hospital personnel for the germ Acinetobacter baumannii, a common source of hospital infections. He found that 12% of doctors’ cell phones were contaminated with the bug.
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Researchers 150 miles north of the Arctic Circle are looking for signs of global warming, because they?ll show up here first. “?We’re just getting to the point of understanding what is normal,” says researcher John Hobbie. “Now we’re looking for changes due to climate change. Climate changes are going to happen here first. Up here they’re subtle, but they’re here all the same.”
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100,000 Americans may get West Nile this year, but most of them will have only a 3 day bout of fever. Only about one in 150 will have more severe symptoms, and most people won’t even know they have it.
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