Over the course of an experiment involving the quantum entanglement of photons produced from naturally-occurring bioluminescent material, a team of researchers from Northwestern University has discovered that the special structure of proteins that were part of the bio-material somehow protected the photons’ quantum state from being disrupted. Typically, quantum states generated in the lab are very fragile, and researchers go to great lengths to ensure that the particles they’re studying aren’t affected by external forces before they have a chance to measure their properties.
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After having been hidden away in a private collection for a decade-and-a-half, a new, extremely novel species of dinosaur has been discovered — and it’s one that’s odd-looking enough for researchers to have assumed at first that it might have been a fake. While its body resembles the infamous Velociraptor of Jurassic Park fame, it has a swan-like head and neck, and what appear to be penguin-like flippers, in place of the grasping arms that would typically be found on fossils like this.
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Information regarding the condition of 24 U.S. diplomats working in Cuba that succumbed to what appeared to be a sonic attack earlier this year has been leaked by an anonymous source, offering new insight into the situation, and possibly ruling out the possibility that their injuries were cased by a sonic weapon of some sort. However, the nature of the longer-lasting injuries — namely, damage that was caused to the subjects’ brains — only deepens the mystery regarding the source of the attacks.
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In September 2017, a large iceberg roughly four times the size of Manhattan calved off of the Pine Island glacier in Antarctica (not to be confused with last July’s massive iceberg that originated from the Larcen C ice shelf further east). While the event itself isn’t that unusual — the Pine Island Glacier accounts for 25 percent of all of Antarctica’s annual ice loss — this iceberg began to break up shortly after separating from its host glacier, instead of doing so after drifting far out into the Southern Ocean, as ‘bergs from Pine Island typically do.read more