Art Bell is taking over the weekend editions of Coast to Coast AM and Whitley will be talking with him on Sunday night. Look for Coast on your local AM talk station starting at 10 p.m. Pacific time. Whitley plans to fill Art in on the latest UFO sightings, abductions and all the other wonderful and strange things he’s talked about on Dreamland lately.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Can’t stand hot food? Then you’ll have lots of warning if you have a heart attack, because the receptors that give you a burning sensation from eating chili peppers are the same ones that sense chest pain during a heart attack. “Silent” heart attacks, which strike without warning, may take place in people who are insensitive to these receptors, which are located on the outer surface of the heart. And to keep your heart healthy, you should take the Chocolate Cure.
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Ghost researcher Richard Wiseman plans to build a “haunted house” in the English countryside. It won’t be haunted until it has ghosts, of course, but he thinks if he builds it the right way?with many rooms and staircases, creaking floors and lots of drafts?ghosts will soon take up residence there.
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When the supersonic Concorde was first created, passengers in the U.S. looked forward to quick trips between major cities on the East and West coasts. But that hope was soon dashed when it was discovered that the Concorde emitted an annoying sonic “boom.” But hope has been rekindled, because a modified version may be quiet enough to fly over land.
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