We know that global warming can be caused by carbon dioxide emissions, solar flares and natural Earth cycles, and…fungus? But it’s true?there are tiny fungi living under the snow high in the Rocky Mountains that produce large quantities of greenhouse gases.

When these fungi reproduce, they create nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which could affect global warming. “This is important because these microbes may increase the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and could change estimates of carbon fluctuation on Earth,” says researcher Steve Schmidt.
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Nothing else seems to work, so maybe prayer will do it. The Prayer Group’s new intention is “That government secrecy come to an end.” When it comes to UFOs, when it comes to international war and terrorism, we have a right to know what’s really happening. It’s as unfair for a few people to hoard all the information as it is for them to hoard all the money and resources.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Martin Rees, Britain’s astronomer royal, says, “Our cosmic importance depends on whether we are alone or not. The main aim of science is to take steps toward answering the big questions.” Now a Swedish university is funding a chair for a professor of the paranormal and SETI says they’re being taken seriously?it’s a start.

Sweden’s Lund University will appoint Europe’s first professor of parapsychology, who will start work in 2004. He’ll study and teach hypnosis, clairvoyance and other edge subjects. “Verifying the existence of paranormal phenomena does not seem to be a promising field of science,” complains philosophy professor Sven Ove Hansson. He”ll find out that’s not true?as Dreamland listeners know, there’s a lot of scientific evidence to back up these ideas.
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If you have a lot of negative thoughts, you’ll get sick more often. Activity in the part of the brain called the right pre-frontal cortex is linked to negative emotions, while brain activity in the opposite direction?in the left pre-frontal cortex?is linked to positive emotional responses. People who have more right pre-frontal activity get sick more often.

Researcher Richard Davidson asked 52 people to recall one event which made them very happy, and one that made them feel sad, afraid or angry. The electrical activity in their brains was measured to see whether their left or right pre-frontal cortex was more active. Afterwards, each person was given a flu shot.
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