The Shocking Stuff in Pet Food
What’s in pet food? Other pets! Euthanised dogs and cats from veterinarians and animal shelters are routinely picked up and made into pet food, turning our pets into cannibals.
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What’s in pet food? Other pets! Euthanised dogs and cats from veterinarians and animal shelters are routinely picked up and made into pet food, turning our pets into cannibals.
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UFO abductees want to get their memories back, and so do some abuse victims. Older people are concerned that their memories are getting weak. However, some people have the opposite problem: memories that are so traumatic, they desperately want to get rid of them. Now scientists think they’ve learned how to do this.
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With Mars coming so close to the Earth, local media are reporting UFOs sightings all over the country, but it’s not widely known that these are happening, since no national media have picked up the story. Below are a couple of recent examples.
Time Stephens writesin the Ohio Herald-Dispatch That witnesses in Rome Township, Proctorville and Chesapeake reported seeing odd lights in the sky last weekend. Two lights appeared to circle one another as if they were chasing one each other. Occasional blips or flashes appeared at random. “They were just kind of circling around,” says witness Roger Lambert, of Rome Township. “I’d just like to know what they are.”
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The ossuary that was found with the words “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus” on it has been declared a fake. But a tomb that has been known for centuries has now been identified as the burial place of Jesus’ brother James.
Megan Goldin writes that the tomb was assumed to be the traditional burial place of King David’s villainous son Absalom, who actually died 1,000 years before it was built, in the first century AD. But now an inscription has been found on the tomb that indicates it may belong to John the Baptist’s father Zacharias instead, and maybe even to James, the brother of Jesus. “It could be the most exciting discovery in absolutely decades,” says archeologist James Strange.
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