The Earth has been warmer since 1980 than it was at any time in the last 2,000 years. Scientists have reconstructed past climates from ice cores and tree rings, and say this is proof that human activities are changing our weather. U.K. researcher Philip Jones says, “It just shows how dramatic the warming has been in recent years. You can’t explain it in any other way?it’s a response to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.”
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U.S. astronomers are warning of a possible asteroid collision with the Earth in 2014. They’ve discovered a large, fast-approaching asteroid that could hit the earth on March 21st of that year?but the chances of it happening are almost one in a million.

The rock measures approximately two thirds of a mile across, which is one-tenth the size of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, and it’s traveling at a speed of about 20 miles per second. It’s been labeled “2003 QQ 47.” Astronomer Christine McGourty says, “In theory, such an asteroid could cause devastation across an entire continent.”
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Canadian UFO researcher Brian Vike reports on a UFO sighting on July 28 that had 157 witnesses. Some of them saw a strange white light that moved in a zigzag direction, while others saw an incredible arc of white light that covered the sky from horizon to horizon. He says, “What I did not realize at this time was just how large this one case was going to be. From a handful of witnesses the case exploded into a major event where I currently have 157 eyewitnesses to something very mysterious.”
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