Al-Qaeda has claimed they caused the recent blackout in the Northeast. But Elizabeth Baron who is a psychic, says, “No one will believe this but this is the work of a 15-year-old boy with the mind of a genius with the computer.”

She claims the boy lives in Canada and says, “He has studied so much about electricity and how it works across the country. As this happened, there was a stoppage when two men stopped that chain of reaction. If they had not intercepted, it would have gone all the way over to Oklahoma and all the way down to Florida. But this was not an act of terrorism but the act of a 15-year-old boy who did much of this without touching anything within a plant whatsoever.”
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Microsoft thinks the recent “Blaster” worm and SoBig computer viruses are a terrorist attack and is cooperating with the FBI. Microsoft says the viruses exhibit signs of a coordinated attack by someone wanting to disrupt world commerce. However, no terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for the worms. Also, a terrorist attack scenario would exempt Microsoft from any claims of negligence.

The Blaster worm exploits a flaw in Microsoft Windows, which is on 90% of all home and corporate desktop computers worldwide. A patch was made available free of charge by Microsoft in July 2003, but few users downloaded the fix, since the virus attack was yet to come. Without the fix, the Blaster worm takes control of Windows.
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We’ve had reports that meditating for contact is working, so don’t quit now?join Whitley in a new meditation. Click “Listen Now” on our masthead to access Meditation Five.

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UFO books and Conspiracy books are on sale in our store, so if you think there’s a conspiracy to cover up UFO information, now’s the time to jump in your hammock with a good book.

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