There’s a worldwide epidemic of arsenic poisoning from water wells, with tens of thousands of people developing skin lesions, cancers and other symptoms. Many of them have died. High levels of arsenic have been found near the river Ganges in India, one of the most heavily populated areas on the planet. Maybe people should stick to soft drinks instead?except that in India, both Coke and Pepsi contain dangerous levels of pesticides.
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Ordinary wasps and hornets are bad enough, but it turns out that wasps are building radioactive nests in a nuclear power plant in Hanford, Washington. And regular hornets are dive bombing people’s ears, attracted by the perfume behind them.
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In his latest Journal, Whitley writes about results from our contact meditation and messages that may exist in recent crop circles. He says, “I cannot express how marvelous I think that this successful communication is?It does suggest that we are finally making some real progress in freeing human consciousness from the chains of ideology that bind it.” He talks about the those who “are out there singing a song that the only way to salvation is through death?Moslem extremists sing that the way to salvation is through suicide terrorism; Christian extremists that the way to the rapture is to hasten the end of the world. Both sing the same demon?s song: come with us to death, little man.” If you want to know how to resist this siren song, read Whitley’s new Journal.
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Three common viruses appear to increase the risk that elderly people will suffer from dementia. One of these is the widespread sexually transmitted herpes virus.

People with a history of infection with at least two of the viruses?two strains of herpes and a microbe called cytomegalovirus?were twice as likely to show significant mental decline during their later years due to damaged brain cells. Cytomegalovirus was once thought to only be harmful to babies in the womb, but not to healthy adults.
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