Ever since ranchers stopped grazing their cattle, and started fattening them up more quickly with corn, they’ve had to dose them with antibiotics, since cows can’t digest corn easily and it often makes them ill. Corn feeding also produces beef with high levels of cholesterol, unlike grass-fed beef, so corn-fed beef may be one of the causes of heart disease. But the biggest problem is that ingesting so many antibiotics in our food means they no longer work for us when we need them.
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The U.S. Geologic Survey warns that Mount Rainier near Seattle is getting ready to spew out another ton of mud, and that could be only the beginning of an eruptive period. USGS volcano monitor William E. Scott says it’s “a monumental threat.”

Blaine Harden writes in The Washington Post that volcanologists used to think Rainier was fairly stable, but now they’ve changed their minds. They want local emergency management officials to launch an early-warning system and a public awareness campaign telling people to “enjoy the volcano in your back yard” but to be prepared to run if necessary. Roads leading to and from Rainier have signs that read: “Volcano Evacuation Route.” They’re a tourist attraction, and keep getting stolen.
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Who are these mysterious, super smart kids who are joining our families and causing us so much trouble? If you’ve got one, you probably need help, which is why we’ve brought this popular book back to our store.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

On June 23rd, we posted a story about Benjamin Padilla, who piloted the Boeing 727 that vanished after taking off in Africa. The plane took off from Luanda Airport in Angola without permission and no one knows where it was headed. It had been refitted to haul diesel fuel tanks, meaning it could be used as a flying bomb in a 911-style scenario. Now Joseph Padilla is sending out a plea for information about what might have happened to his brother. Click on “Full Story” below to see a photo of Benjamin Padilla.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more