In his new Journal, Whitley writes about the hows and whys of global warming and says, “?The world remains rudderless and leaderless regarding global warming. European leaders, relying on the untested and probably hopeless mandates reached under the Kyoto protocol, wait now in silence for a better day. Meanwhile the Americans remain mired down in ideological squabbles about global warming so absurd that they would be comic-opera hilarious if they weren’t so pitiful.” But there is one small country that?s taking action: our neighbors in Canada are doing what needs to be done.

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Click “Listen Now” on our masthead to join Whitley in a short meditation for extraterrestrial contact. By the end of August, Mars will be closer to Earth than it’s been since prehistoric times, and when Mars is close to Earth, more UFO sightings are reported. Don’t miss this opportunity to try to achieve contact with another intelligence. If you subscribe to unknowncountry, you can download all 4 of Whitley’s meditations and listen to them anywhere.

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In Anne’s new Diary, she writes, “Very often we vilify a single person, who stands for everything we hate. We’ve certainly done this with Osama bin-Laden. While I don’t think he’s a good guy in any way, I’ve realized that I don’t really understand what his organization is all about. Jason Burke, who has written a new book (which is only available in the U.K. for now) called ‘Al- Qaeda: Casting a Shadow of Terror,’ says we shouldn’t blame ourselves for not spotting al-Qaeda sooner and reminds us that, despite fighting two wars in the Middle East, we really don’t know what al-Qaeda is”?or is it something we can recognize right here at home?

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If you want to make sure to get your message across, send it off in a bottle. We’ve written about a 60-year-old message from people escaping from the Nazis and a 20-year-old message from a dead son. Now a homeless man with just enough strength left to put a note in a plastic bottle and throw it out a window was rescued when a local dog found his message.
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