The image of the tortured artist may be true?researchers have found that science and medical students live longer and healthier lives after graduation than art students do. This is despite the fact that the biggest smokers and drinkers are medical students.

Peter McCarron examined the medical records of 10,000 men who attended Glasgow University between 1948 and 1968 and found that science, engineering and medical students had a lower death rate than art students. However, medical students had the largest number of alcohol-related deaths and deaths from suicide or violence. As students, they were also the heaviest smokers, followed by lawyers.
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Moving body parts around seems to be the latest trend in plastic surgery. We wrote about an Australian artist who is having an extra ear implanted on his arm just for fun. Now a man in Wales has had two of his toes implanted onto his hands, but he has a serious reason for it?he wants to be able to keep fishing.
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Parrots live a long time and like most people, they get grouchier as they get older. Some pet owners can’t take it anymore and dump their pets in the U.K.’s National Parrot Sanctuary, where “parrot whisperer” Steve Nichols bonds with 414 birds.

Brady Haran writes in that Nichols knows the names of every one of them. He says, “I have got a natural affinity with parrots…When a wild creature will jump off the tree and come walking over to you, and when it has been someone’s bad pet, then I think I just feel so special.”
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Joyce Riley VonKleist, of the American Gulf War Veterans Association, writes that nearly half of the 697,000 Gulf War I Veterans are ill and have received no adequate diagnosis or treatment. Whenever veterans become ill, the term “mystery illness” seems to be the only diagnosis that’s made, and veterans are then left to fend for themselves. Now soldiers in the Gulf are being diagnosed with the mystery illness all over again. Don?t miss this important Insight.

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