The long hot summer, along with recent droughts, makes some scientists think global warming may be here with a vengeance. But the real sign of climate change will be when Europe gets colder, because the ocean current that warms it stops flowing up from the south. Now scientists are reporting that the Atlantic ocean has become unseasonably cold?is this a signal that sudden climate change has begun?

Warren Washington, of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, who helped create the Bush climate research plan says, “?One of the aspects we will be looking at carefully is what’s happening in the North Atlantic as the sea ice and glaciers melt and add fresh water to ocean circulation, and may change the transport of warm water in the Gulf Stream.”
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Jennifer Friedlin writes in Wired Magazine that it’s now possible for African-Americans to use DNA testing to find out exactly where their ancestors came from.
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Mitra Malek writes in the Herald Tribune that some scientists think giant gas bubbles in the Bermuda Triangle could be what is sucking ships down into the deep. Hollywood special effects artist Phil Beck, of Awesome FX, has recreated the phenomenon in order to test this theory.The Bermuda Triangle stretches from Florida to Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Many ships and airplanes have disappeared there, but no one can figure out why.

Beck forced compressed air through an underwater grid in the ocean, forcing bubbles to the surface. After five tries, he was able to suck a Sea Ray cruiser under the water. “The bow went up, the stern went down, and it went under,” he says. “I’ve sunk lots of boats, but I’ve always just blown holes in them.”
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Andrew Gumbel writes in The (U.K.) Independent that next time you take a plane trip, be aware that you may be on a secret government list. The government has finally admitted it’s been keeping a list of anti-war activists, and targeting them for extra airport security checks.

People who protested the Iraq war have begun to notice they?re being singled out at the airport. The Transportation Security Administration finally admitted the list exists in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from Rebecca Gordon and Jan Adams of San Francisco, who were detained at the airport last fall and told they were on an FBI no-fly list. Gordon and Adams work for a small magazine called War Times, have never been arrested, and do not have criminal records.
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