The World Trade Organization’s food and drug regulatory body is controlled by big drug companies, and they are trying to use it to make all but the smallest doses of vitamins illegal to purchase without a prescription worldwide. This is happening at the same time a study has revealed that a daily mega-dose of 5 vitamins can dramatically reduce cancer.

The Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2003, Senate Bill 722, would effectively regulate out of existence the sale of almost all vitamin supplements at higher potencies, except by prescription. The bill has been introduced by Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, a strong advocate of the WTO and sponsor of much pro-drug company legislation.
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An incredibly well-preserved jar of 2,000-year-old face cream was found at the site of an ancient Roman temple in London. The cream even had its user’s fingerprints still in it. It was made from donkey’s milk, and other ancient cosmetics have been found made from delightful ingredients like crocodile dung.

Amanda Onion writes in that another favorite Roman cosmetic ingredient came from the sweat and dirt from sheep’s wool. “Basically they were getting lanolin,” says Museum of London curator Jenny Hall. Lanolin is still used in cosmetics today.

For lipstick, Roman women used red ochre or the dregs from red wine. They mixed bear’s fat with lamp soot for eyeliner and mascara. Blusher and eye shadow came from ground saffron.
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Forest fires burning out of control, drought killing off farm crops, power grids failing due to the overuse of air conditioners?sounds like the summer in the U.S., but it’s this summer in Europe instead. Europeans are trying to figure out if their record-setting heat wave is a fluke or if it’s a sign of global warming.

“The weather we’ve seen over the last few days is entirely consistent with what we’re likely to see over the next few decades,” says John Turnpenny of the Tyndall Center for climate change research in the U.K. “We’re likely to see such a heat spell in London every year.”

Nicola Jones reports for New Scientist that In England, temperatures are expected to reach 100
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Crop circles turned up in the middle of 1,000 acres of wheat near the suburbs of Detroit two weeks ago. Researcher Jeffrey Wilson has determined that these circles, like those in Wisconsin that a farmer actually saw being created, are not manmade. Farmer Mike Esper says, “It gets weirder by the minute.”

Shawn Windsor writes in the Detroit Free Press that Esper discovered three circles, 51 feet, 10 feet and 8 feet in diameter, as he drove his combine around the wheat field. He mowed the first two down before he realized what they were, but he carefully preserved the largest one. He says, “I’m amazed by the whole thing. I wanted to leave it so people could see it.” He called Jeffrey Wilson to look at it.
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