You can listen to Dreamland for free anytime, by clicking “Listen Now” on our masthead, and subscribers can burn it onto a CD, and listen anywhere. But if you still like radio listening best, you’ll be glad to know that Dreamland will be on LGPRN, Lou Gentile’s Paranormal Radio Network, which is part of IBC Radio Network. You can hear it on Shortwave 7.385 on Saturday and Sunday evenings at 11 p.m. EST. It will also air Monday-Friday from 3 to 5 a.m.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

The Casper (WY) Star Tribune reports that there’s a 100-foot-high bulge in the bottom of Yellowstone Lake that’s getting ready to explode. The bulge, about 2,100 feet long, formed within the last few years, and the lake’s water is getting hotter. An explosion would create 10-foot waves and shoot out rocks and poisonous gas. U.S. Geological Survey scientist Lisa Morgan has been using sonar to map the lake bottom. The water temperature 60 feet down is now around 85 degrees, while the lake usually stays around 66 degrees. Morgan says, ”We’re thinking this structure could be a precursor to a hydrothermal explosive event. But we don’t think this is a volcano.” Volcanoes in the area once shot debris all the way across North America.
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Genevieve Haas writes that a new pill developed by CereMedix, based at Northeastern University, could help you live to be a healthy 120 years old. The pill repairs lung damage from smoking, reverses Alzheimer’s, repairs injuries from strokes and heart disease and cures diabetes?all by stimulating the production of natural anti-oxidants.

Anti-oxidants are found in fruits and vegetables, and help repair the body’s natural defenses against aging. But in order to absorb enough anti-oxidants to live to a healthy old age, you would need to eat 30 pounds of fruits and vegetables a day.
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In Whitley’s new journal, he reminds us that there are 10 times more stars in the night sky than grains of sand in the world’s deserts and beaches. He asks, “?Why don’t aliens swarm our streets on a routine basis??It almost looks as if somebody has our world caught in a kind of bubble of isolation…” Or maybe we ARE being communicated with. Whitley writes, “The [crop] circles have pointed to August 11-12 as an important date?We’ll see if the full moon of August 12 brings any sort of unusual event.” How to get ready? Join us in meditating for contact. The third meditation is now available by clicking “Listen Now” on our masthead. If you subscribe to unknowncountry, you can download all 3 meditations.
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